SciChart WPF 3D Charts > 3D Chart Types > The Impulse 3D Chart Type
The Impulse 3D Chart Type

3D Impulse or Stem Charts are provided by the ImpulseRenderableSeries3D type.

A stem chart is visualized by small stems pointing up or down to a value with a sphere or marker at the top.



Declaring a 3D Impulse Chart

The ImpulseRenderableSeries3D accepts either XyzDataSeries3D for sparse points, Or UniformGridDataSeries3D for an NxM array of points.

The above graph is rendered with the following code:

<s3D:SciChart3DSurface x:Name="SciChart"
        <s3D:ImpulseRenderableSeries3D x:Name="ImpulseSeries3D"
                <s3D:SpherePointMarker3D Fill="Blue" Size="4.0" Opacity="1"/>
        <s3D:NumericAxis3D />
        <s3D:NumericAxis3D VisibleRange="0, 0.5"/>
        <s3D:NumericAxis3D />
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
    const int Count = 15;
    var uniformDataSeries = new UniformGridDataSeries3D<double>(Count, Count)
        StepX = 1,
        StepZ = 1,
        SeriesName = "Impulse Series 3D",
    for (var x = 0; x < Count; x++)
        for (var z = 0; z < Count; z++)
            var y = Math.Sin(x*0.25) / ((z + 1) * 2);
            uniformDataSeries[z,x] = y;
    ImpulseSeries3D.DataSeries = uniformDataSeries;

However it could be just as easily created with an XyzDataSeries3D as the DataSeries for sparse columns.


Single Row Impulse 3D Charts

By changing a few parameters, it is possible to get a column chart to look like this:


The code to achieve the above is as follows:

<s3D:SciChart3DSurface x:Name="SciChart"
                       WorldDimensions="200,100,20"> <!-- Change WorldDimensions Size -->
        <s3D:ImpulseRenderableSeries3D x:Name="ImpulseSeries3D"
                <s3D:SpherePointMarker3D Fill="Blue" Size="4.0" Opacity="1"/>
        <s3D:NumericAxis3D />
        <s3D:NumericAxis3D VisibleRange="0, 0.5"/>
        <s3D:NumericAxis3D DrawLabels="False"/> <!-- set DrawLabels False -->
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
    // Change size from 15 to 1 in Z direction
    const int Count = 15;
    var uniformDataSeries = new UniformGridDataSeries3D<double>(Count, 1)
        StepX = 1,
        StepZ = 1,
        SeriesName = "Column 3D Data",
    for (var x = 0; x < Count; x++)
        for (var z = 0; z < 1; z++)
            var y = Math.Sin(x * 0.25) / ((z + 1) * 2);
            uniformDataSeries[z, x] = y;

    SciChart.RenderableSeries[0].DataSeries = uniformDataSeries;



3D Impulse Shapes

The shape at the top of the stem can be defined by one of several pointmarkers, including:

Apply the Type of point marker to the ImpulseRenderableSeries3D.PointMarker property to change the shape.